«I look forward to every new challenge.»

Renato Merz, Senior Manager

Business Consulting


A clear strategy secures competitive advantages. Click through our team and read more about the senior managers who are ready to offer their expertise in business strategy.

Success Stories


Client: A Board of Trustees

Job: Advising while implementing a change of business model

Duration: 4 month

The company is withdrawing from providing occupational pension plans; in the future, the company will focus on semi-autonomous solutions in which participating companies bear investment risks. Chronic low interest rates, increasing cross-subsidization of pensioners by active employees, and investment restrictions led to the reorientation. Consent was required not only from management but also from the Board of Trustees of their Foundation for Occupational Benefits. The Consenec senior manager supported the Board in the various issues surrounding the change.

Client: A Swiss City

Job: Plan for provision of services

Duration: 3 months

The City is working to position its educational institutions so that qualified employees for the local economy can be secured. As part of these efforts, the city works with economic stakeholders and educational institutions to create optimal conditions for vocational further training, higher vocational education, and adult education. Thanks to his experience in these areas, the Consenec senior manager was able to develop a strategy for the professional provision of services.