«If everyone is moving forward together, then success takes care of itself. (Henry Ford)»

Caroline Marchmont, Senior Manager

Business Consulting

Operational Excellence

Systematic assessment and revision is part of good company culture. Click through our team and read more about the senior managers who are ready to offer their expertise in operational excellence.

Straight to the Top with Operational Excellence

Peak performance requires top form. Companies that apply the principles of operational excellence are profitable in the long term and can face the future with confidence. Because lean and efficient businesses are more competitive.
What would happen if you relied on proven methods to systematically assess and improve your business processes? You would be ready to meet new challenges and able to continually move your business forward.
Consenec applies proven methods when analyzing business processes and value chains. All with an eye to the real world, to help you identify the best practices and develop the tools to implement them.

In Shape for Peak Performance

What operational excellence means
Operational excellence refers to approaches that lead to outstanding operational results. Operational excellence is the foundation for optimizing a business’s efficiency. When processes are tuned for peak performance, a company becomes more competitive. And getting as close as possible to peak performance is the overall goal of operational excellence.

Where operational excellence begins
Starting and stopping point is the client’s objective. Processes in a company are defined as efficient and customer-oriented process chains. Every step in a process is clearly oriented around the client’s needs and aims for high quality and effectiveness.

How operational excellence works
The decisive factors are: channeling a business strategy toward higher efficiency, the unconditional commitment of management, cooperation among employees, and a long-term program to continually improve business. Teamwork across all levels is key.

Numbers that make the mark
An important part of operational excellence is identifying the factors that influence a company’s competitiveness. These must then be steered and communicated using quantitative values such as processing time, costs, quality, skills, and improvements.

How the Consenec team can help
The Consenec team is made up of experienced pros in production processes, logistics, and information procedures. We help you choose the best methods to introduce and anchor operational excellence in your company.
Choosing operational excellence for your business is a wise investment in the future.

Factsheet as PDF

Success Stories


Client: A founding company

Job: Technical support during testing and approval phase

Duration: 3–4 months

The new long-distance trains of Switzerland’s federal railway system are required to pass special tests before they can be approved for use. A key aspect is testing the interaction between the traction control system and the torsion vibration behavior of the wheel sets. The interrelationships are very complex, with the behavior of the system depending on the degree of friction between wheels and tracks – which, in turn, varies according to location, time of day or year, and the weather conditions. Thanks to his extensive knowledge of these systems, the Consenec senior manager was able to introduce more efficient and reliable test drives and analyses. This led to substantially better planning, which was of major importance to the client because the test phase and approval process followed a tight schedule. The entire task was conducted in close cooperation with experts from the client’s team, which enabled a targeted transfer of know-how and promoted system-specific skills within the company.

Client: A medium-sized high-tech company

Job: Assessment of management procedures and coaching individual leaders

Duration: 3 months

The client is a relatively young and innovative company whose founders had sold and withdrawn from the business. The new owner charged a team of long-term employees and new hires with leading the company. Although the strategic position of the business improved significantly after being sold to a global organization, expectations increased massively. Rapid growth and several infrastructure projects placed high demands and heavy pressure on the entire company – specifically on the new management team whose members had assumed extremely demanding tasks and often new responsibilities. In addition to the large challenges, internal tensions hampered the management processes. The Consenec senior manager was asked to draft a situation analysis and to develop measures to realize improvements, which he delivered within four weeks. For the rest of his mandate, he focused on providing support and coaching services to individual members of the management team.

Client: A founding company

Job: Project management and controlling

Duration: 12 months

The Consenec manager analyzed project management and controlling in several of the client’s business units and located the optimal “best-in-class” processes. He acted as a know-how hub in the individual units and communicated his “best practice” experiences in the form of successful methods. This was done quickly and efficiently with the result that, due to prompt recognition and reactions, a significant increase in quality was registered in project reviews. In addition, the improvements in opportunity and threat assessment lowered the amount of reserves required. The cost of error was reduced, leading to better gains and ultimately to strengthening the business units in global competition.

Client: A pan-European automotive supplier

Job: Support for the expansion of IT, development and production

Duration: 6 months

The client is a family enterprise that produces mechanical parts widely used in the European automotive industry. However, recent years have seen a drop in sales, while the coronavirus pandemic disrupted the procurement of components and raw materials. In addition, the company patron has decided to retire and hand the reins to the next generation, which plans to modernize and grow the firm’s IT, development, and production units. One focus is seeking additional suppliers to minimize the risk of material shortages. Other goals include developing new products and accessing new markets. The Consenec senior manager advises the new management team, which benefits from the broad experience he gained at a technology company — from setting up and managing a new factory, for example, or in his role as production manager in Europe and Asia.