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Hitachi Energy launches Liquid-filled Transformers with Transient Voltage Protection (TVP®) Technology

Hitachi Energy Feature.  

Hitachi Energy presented its groundbreaking solution to protect distribution transformers from transient voltage: Transformers with Transient Voltage Protection (TVP®) Technology. The company held a major event to inaugurate its state-of-the-art Transformers factory in Bac Ninh, Vietnam, and it was the perfect occasion to unveil this pioneering technology for the industry.

More than 200 attendees, including customers, partners, and employees, enjoyed the product launch ceremony at the new company facility with a display of a life-size demo unit. This memorable event marked another milestone for the company’s commitment to developing innovative solutions for the energy industry, as the Bac Ninh factory will produce distribution transformers with TVP® Technology integrated into the product. The solution sets new heights of reliability and resilience for transformers.

A pioneering solution for a silent threat

When processes require electrical network switching or in case of nuisance tripping, the transformers can be at risk of premature failure due to switching transients, and result in costly outage. Transient voltage is a silent threat across different segments like data centers, solar and wind renewable power generation, Industries, Rail Infrastructure etc. using medium voltage fast-acting circuit breakers like Vacuum circuit breakers (VCBs).

While Vacuum circuit breakers (VCBs) have excellent arc-quenching capabilities that brings increased safety and efficiency to electrical systems, in certain system configurations and procedural operations, VCB (and SF6) switching can produce fast transient over voltages inside of transformer windings, some leading to failures. These failures result in system downtime and irreparable equipment damage, both incredibly costly to network managers.

Hitachi Energy’s Transformers with Transient Voltage Protection (TVP®) Technology provide complete protection to Transformers and downstream magnetic equipment, at every single switching instance. Their network agnostic design makes them the best fit, no matter what the network configuration is or how often switching operations are performed.

The TVP® technology is an already proven protection in Hitachi Energy’s dry-type transformers. This technology is now expanding to Hitachi Energy’s liquid-filled transformers.

Quelle: Hitachi Energy Feature

