«Ihr Partner für nachhaltigen Geschäftserfolg auch in schwierigen Zeiten.»

Loriano Lorini, Senior Manager

News Monitor

Hitachi Energy launches EnCompass™ Agreements


Alongside the energy transition, the role of service is also transforming to be as tailored to our customers’ existing needs and future requirements as possible. To serve as the partner of choice, we’re pleased to announce the launch of EnCompassTM, the naming platform for all Hitachi Energy partnership-oriented service offerings.

This new service platform consists of two products: Encompass Frame and EnCompass Service Agreements. Designed to be flexible and modular, the scope of these products ranges from asset-specific to system-wide expertise that delivers specialized services tailored to the needs of our customers.

Leveraging on our century of experience and expertise, our dedicated Service teams deliver global expertise locally. Our portfolio of service solutions is designed to manage the entire asset lifecycle and, in doing so, ensure resilient operations, optimized OPEX costs and manage overall system-risk for all customers.

Hitachi Energy – your total lifecycle partner.

Learn more about EnCompass here.

Quelle: Feature

